Saturday, August 8, 2009

The Audition Experience

CBC Atrium. I sign in, pick up the CBC-and-producers-are-released-from-any-and every-eventuality Agreement for signing, and get my number. It's #434. #200 is now being served. Sigh. I beeline for couch with just enough breathing room, and get busy releasing. This takes oh maybe 5 minutes. It's the same release as on the Dragon's Den website and I've already read it, sighed over it and realized - if you wanna be in the game, you have to play by the rules. Looking around, intense albeit quiet conversations: a well suited 40'ish woman with a briefcase is in serious discussion with a well-suited 30-ish man who seems to be giving selling tips. On the other side of the couch, on a cell phone is an elegantly dressed man who looks Ethiopian, talking animatedly on a cell-phone in completely unaccented English. The Atrium is awash with hopefuls, considering the acoustics - high high ceiling, lots of granite - it's a quietly murmuring crowd. I repair to the bathroom to check my camouflage. After, I walked past the barrier of desks in front of the audition area. Five producers wait to hear pitches, echoing the Dragon's Den set-up. One by one, pitchers pitch and exit. It finally dawns on me: there. is. O-M-G. I am way too overly-made-up...but don't want to risk making a mess removing some of the layers. After 3+ hours: I'm up. After, I head to the bathroom and, to my horror, under my eyes, dissolving make-up has created a trail -- no, more like a constellation -- of black dots. My credibility and confidence equally dissolved I head for the exit. On the way out, Richard, who I was fortunate enough to be pitching to said, "Sounded good. We'll call you if we want you." Oh boy. There's hope. Heading home to wash my face. Verry exciting. Next post, I'll share my audition script.